Whistleblowing Policy
I. Introduction
Aged Care Ambassadors Pty Ltd is dedicated to promoting a culture of integrity and accountability, where our team upholds the highest standards of governance and ethical conduct, and feels empowered to safely raise concerns. We acknowledge that those who have a work, service, or client relationship with Aged Care Ambassadors or its business are often the first to recognize when something may be amiss.
Aged Care Ambassadors encourages the reporting of all suspected misconduct and is committed to ensuring that whistle-blowers are protected and supported throughout the process.
II. Persons eligible for making a disclosure:
This policy applies to all current or former directors, officers, employees, volunteers, or individuals with a connection to Aged Care Ambassadors, including contractors, consultants, suppliers, auditors, or relatives and dependents of these individuals or their spouses.
III. Matters which can be reported:
Disclosures are encouraged when there are reasonable grounds to suspect that Aged Care Ambassadors has engaged in conduct that:
is dishonest, fraudulent, or corrupt;
is unethical, misleading, or deceptive, such as acting dishonestly, altering records, or making false entries in books and records;
involves questionable accounting practices or deliberate breaches of Aged Care Ambassadors' policies;
is potentially harmful to Aged Care Ambassadors, such as maladministration or significant waste of resources;
IV. How to make a disclosure
Your disclosure will be handled by the assessment and investigation process outlined in the Aged Care Ambassadors Whistleblowing Policy. This policy can be accessed through the client's Brevity Software system or our office. When disclosures are made under the policy, protections such as confidentiality, anonymity, and safeguards against retaliation or detriment will apply.
A disclosure can be made to Aged Care Ambassadors Pty Ltd can be made through any of the following means:
Aged Care Ambassadors Disclosure Form
Email: info@agedcareambassadors.com.au
Telephone: 0435 615 132
Po Box: Box Number, Noosa Civic, Queensland.