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  • Home | Aged Care Ambassadors

    私たちは強いつながりが鍵だと信じています。 高齢者ケア アンバサダーは、コミュニティや自宅で人々が成功し、関わり、有意義な生活を送れるようサポートします。当社は包括的な高齢者ケア サービスを提供しており、在宅サポートへのアクセスを確保して、個人がつながりを保ち、心の拠り所であり続けるよう支援します。 パッケージを表示 お問い合わせ Aged Care Ambassadors を利用する理由は何ですか? 私たちは人と人とのつながりが大切だと信じています。ブルーゾーンについて聞いたことがありますか? これらは、人々が非常に長く健康的な生活を送っている地理的地域です。主な要因には、ライフスタイル、食事、身体的健康、環境、社会的つながり、目的などがあります。 元退役軍人が設立し所有する組織として、私たちはつながりと帰属意識の重要性を理解しています。私たちは、お客様が最高の人生を送るために必要なサポートと有意義なケアを確実に受けられるように尽力しています。 ホームケアパッケージ ホームケア パッケージは、在宅ケアを利用できるようにすることを目的としています。政府が資金を提供するこのプログラムは、評価されたニーズに応じてさまざまな在宅ケア サービスを受けることにより、対象となるオーストラリアの高齢者が自宅で自立した生活を継続できるようにします。 65 歳以上で、自宅で追加のサポートが必要な場合は、政府機関 My Aged Care を通じて評価をリクエストして、在宅ケア パッケージを申請できます。 Apply Now 当社のサービス 当社のサービスは、お客様の個別のニーズや好みに合わせて開発されています。専門家チームがサービスを提供しますので、フレンドリーなチームメンバーの 1 人に話しかけて、当社がお客様をどのようにサポートできるかについて詳しくお聞きください。 24 Hour Care Cleaning and Household Tasks Administration Community Involvement Companionship Gardening Staying Active Meal Preparation and Groceries Medication Management Personal Assistance Respite Care Social Support & Outings Aged Care Ambassadors のチームは、優れた社会的サポート、管理、食料品の買い物、その他すべての家庭サポートを提供しています。彼らは信頼でき、親しみやすく、信頼できるので、最高レベルのケアとサポートを確実に受けられます。 ヴァルマ T - パシフィック パラダイス、サンシャイン コースト 接続する準備はできましたか? 高齢者ケアサポートの有意義な旅を始めるには、今すぐ高齢者ケア アンバサダーにお電話ください。 始める

  • Whistleblowing Policy | Aged Care Ambassador

    プライバシーポリシー I. Introduction Aged Care Ambassadors Pty Ltd is dedicated to promoting a culture of integrity and accountability, where our team upholds the highest standards of governance and ethical conduct, and feels empowered to safely raise concerns. We acknowledge that those who have a work, service, or client relationship with Aged Care Ambassadors or its business are often the first to recognize when something may be amiss. AGED CARE AMBASSADOR WHISTLEBLOWING POLICY Aged Care Ambassadors encourages the reporting of all suspected misconduct and is committed to ensuring that whistle-blowers are protected and supported throughout the process. II. Persons eligible for making a disclosure: This policy applies to all current or former directors, officers, employees, volunteers, or individuals with a connection to Aged Care Ambassadors, including contractors, consultants, suppliers, auditors, or relatives and dependents of these individuals or their spouses. III. Matters which can be reported: Disclosures are encouraged when there are reasonable grounds to suspect that Aged Care Ambassadors has engaged in conduct that: is dishonest, fraudulent, or corrupt; is unethical, misleading, or deceptive, such as acting dishonestly, altering records, or making false entries in books and records; involves questionable accounting practices or deliberate breaches of Aged Care Ambassadors' policies; ​ is potentially harmful to Aged Care Ambassadors, such as maladministration or significant waste of resources; IV. How to make a disclosure Your disclosure will be handled by the assessment and investigation process outlined in the Aged Care Ambassadors Whistleblowing Policy. This policy can be accessed through the client's Brevity Software system or our office. When disclosures are made under the policy, protections such as confidentiality, anonymity, and safeguards against retaliation or detriment will apply. A disclosure can be made to Aged Care Ambassadors Pty Ltd can be made through any of the following means: Aged Care Ambassadors Disclosure Form Email: Telephone: 0435 615 132 Po Box: Box Number, Noosa Civic, Queensland.

  • Pricing | Aged Care Ambassador

    価格 優れたケアと安心 Support Steps ケアと価格 利用規約 2024年7月1日より発効 サービスはGSTフリーです 最短のサービス時間は 30 分で、その後は 15 分単位で延長されます。 30分間の直接ケアサービスは、時間料金の65%で請求されます。 夜間宿泊: 午後 6 時から午前 6 時までの 12 時間の夜間サービス。午後 6 時から午後 10 時までのアクティブ ケアと、午後 10 時から午前 6 時までの非アクティブ期間が含まれます。必要に応じて、非アクティブ期間中に最大 2 時間のケアが提供される場合があります。 接続する準備はできましたか? 高齢者ケアサポートの有意義な旅を始めるには、今すぐ高齢者ケア アンバサダーにお電話ください。 始める

  • About | Aged Care Ambassador

    私たちについて 私たちの使命、ビジョン、価値観 ミッション AGED CARE AMBASSADORS (ACA) は、困っている人々が自宅で暮らし続けられるよう、価値があり、質が高く、思いやりがあり、柔軟な個人中心の介護サービスを提供するよう努めています。 当社は、経営陣とケアチームが継続的に学び、専門的なスキルと個人の成長を伸ばせる環境を提供するよう努めます。 取締役会 合わせて40年以上の経験を誇ります。 Aged Care Ambassadors (ACA) の取締役会は、豊富な専門知識と多様な経歴を持ち、退役軍人と高齢者介護のクライアントを個別ケアでサポートするのに最適です。医療とビジネス管理の分野で合計 40 年を超える経験を持つ当社の管理チームは、障害、精神衛生、高齢者介護の分野での個人的な経験を独自に組み合わせて提供します。 ACA の取締役会は、最高水準のケアを維持することに専心しています。スタッフのトレーニング、監督、評価、個別のサービス計画、サービス利用者の権利の維持に重点を置いています。取締役会の経験と熱意を結集することで、お客様はそれぞれのニーズに合わせた最高のケアとサポートを受けることができます。 Experience 当社の取締役会には、プロジェクト管理、ビジネス管理、戦略計画、運用能力の豊富な経験を持つ元退役軍人が含まれています。この多様なスキルセットにより、当社のチームは優れたケアとサポートを提供する能力が高まります。 ACA を選択することで、退役軍人と高齢者介護のクライアントを思いやり、敬意、そして比類のない専門知識でサポートすることに尽力する、地元の個別ケア プロバイダーを選択することになります。 卓越性、尊敬、忠誠心 一貫した行動、道徳的原則の適用、そして信頼されることが重要です。そして、すべての人に対する信頼性と尊敬を確保します。 高品質なサービスを提供するために、経験豊富なスタッフを雇用します。 高齢者コミュニティが健康で充実した生活を送れるよう、美しく有意義なつながりを育みます。 学習と開発を促進する Ready to connect? 高齢者ケアサポートの有意義な旅を始めるには、今すぐ高齢者ケア アンバサダーにお電話ください。 始める

  • FAQs | Aged Care Ambassador

    よくある質問 Q. ホームケアパッケージは何に使えますか? ホームケア パッケージは、清掃、介護サービス、ソーシャル サポートなど、さまざまなサービスに使用できます。ホームケア パッケージでカバーされるサービスの詳細については、 の my Aged Care をご覧ください。 Q. どうやって申し込めばいいですか? 在宅ケア パッケージを申請するには、1800 200 422 に 電話するか、オンラインで登録して My Aged Care に登録する必要があります。 Q. ホームケアパッケージを取得するには、収入評価を行う必要がありますか? はい、高齢者ケア評価チーム (ACAT) が在宅評価を実施し、お客様の適格性とケアのレベルを判断します。 Q. ホームケアパッケージでカバーされないものは何ですか? ホームケア パッケージは幅広いサービスをカバーしていますが、一部のサービスはホームケア パッケージでカバーされません。対象外のサービスの例としては、住宅ローンや住宅の支払い、旅行や休暇、メディケアでカバーされるサービス、投薬、介護要件外の住宅改修、娯楽活動などがあります。 Q. ホームケアパッケージはどのように機能しますか? ホームケア パッケージは、自宅で追加のケアを必要とする可能性のあるオーストラリアの高齢者に割り当てられる連邦政府資金のプールです。 Q. 資金がいくらあるかはどうすればわかりますか? 資金は、評価後に割り当てられるホームケア パッケージ レベルによって決まります。レベルは 1 ~ 4 で、資金は必要なケアのレベルに基づいて割り当てられます。 Q. ホームケアパッケージの対象になりますか? 日常生活に時々介助が必要で、65 歳以上(アボリジニまたはトレス海峡諸島民の場合は 50 歳以上)であり、メディケア カードをお持ちの場合は、ホーム ケア パッケージを受け取ることができます。 接続する準備はできましたか? 高齢者ケアサポートの有意義な旅を始めるには、今すぐ高齢者ケア アンバサダーにお電話ください。 始める

  • Cookies | Aged Care Ambassador

    クッキー 導入 高齢者ケア アンバサダーの ウェブサイトへようこそ。この Cookie ポリシーでは、Cookie とは何か、当社がどのように Cookie を使用するか、また Cookie の使用に関するお客様の選択肢について説明します。当社のウェブサイトを引き続きご利用いただくことで、お客様はこのポリシーによる Cookie の使用に同意したことになります。 クッキーとは何ですか? クッキーとは、ウェブサイトにアクセスしたときにデバイス(コンピューター、スマートフォン、タブレット)に保存される小さなテキスト ファイルです。クッキーは、ウェブサイトがお客様の訪問に関する情報を記憶するのに役立ち、サイトをより便利にします。クッキーには、「永続的」クッキーと「セッション」クッキーがあります。永続的クッキーは、一定期間またはお客様が削除するまでデバイスに残りますが、セッション クッキーは、ブラウザを閉じると削除されます。 クッキーの使用方法 Aged Care Ambassadors は、ウェブサイトでのお客様の体験を向上させるために Cookie を使用します。Cookie は、お客様が当サイトをどのように利用しているかを把握し、サービスを向上させるのに役立ちます。当社が使用する Cookie の種類は次のとおりです。 必須クッキー: これらのクッキーは、ウェブサイトが正しく機能するために必要です。これにより、当社のサイト内を移動したり、安全なエリアにアクセスするなどの機能を使用できるようになります。 パフォーマンス Cookie: これらの Cookie は、最も頻繁にアクセスするページなど、当社の Web サイトの使用方法に関する情報を収集します。このデータは、Web サイトの機能性とユーザー エクスペリエンスを向上させるのに役立ちます。 機能 Cookie: これらの Cookie により、Web サイトは言語設定や現在地の地域などの選択内容を記憶し、よりパーソナライズされたエクスペリエンスを提供できます。 分析 Cookie: これらの Cookie は、訪問者に関する統計情報を収集するために使用します。このデータは、ユーザーがサイトをどのように利用しているか、また改善できる点を把握するのに役立ちます。 サードパーティのCookie 当社は、信頼できるパートナーが提供するサードパーティの Cookie を使用する場合もあります。これらの Cookie は、当社サイトの使用状況を追跡および測定するための分析目的で使用され、当社が引き続き魅力的なコンテンツを制作できるようにします。サードパーティの Cookie は、各プロバイダーのプライバシー ポリシーの対象となります。 クッキーの管理 お客様には、クッキーを受け入れるか拒否するかを選択する権利があります。ほとんどのウェブブラウザは自動的にクッキーを受け入れますが、希望する場合はブラウザの設定を変更してクッキーを拒否することができます。クッキーを無効にすると、当社のウェブサイトの機能や特定の機能の使用に影響が出る可能性があることにご注意ください。 本ポリシーの変更 当社は、当社の慣行の変更を反映するため、またはその他の運用上、法律上、規制上の理由により、この Cookie ポリシーを随時更新することがあります。当社の Cookie の使用状況を把握するために、このポリシーを定期的に確認することをお勧めします。 お問い合わせ 当社のCookieポリシーについてご質問やご不明な点がございましたら、下記までお問い合わせください。 高齢者ケアアンバサダー メールアドレス: 電話: 0412392340 住所: ユニット 3/12 グレブ ストリート、 ペレギアンビーチ クイーンズランド州 4573 Aged Care Ambassadors にご訪問いただきありがとうございます。お客様のプライバシーは当社にとって重要であり、当社はお客様に価値あるオンライン エクスペリエンスを提供しながら、お客様の個人情報を保護することに尽力しています。

  • Accessibility | Aged Care Ambassador

    アクセシビリティ Accessibility statement for ​ This accessibility statement applies to . ​ This website is run by Aged Care Ambassadors. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to: change colours, contrast levels, and fonts zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen navigate most of the website using just a keyboard navigate most of the website using speech recognition software listen to most of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver) We’ve also made the website text as simple as possible to understand. AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability. How accessible is this website is We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible:​ the text will not reflow in a single column when you change the size of the browser window you cannot modify the line height or spacing of the text most older PDF documents are not fully accessible to screen reader software live video streams do not have captions some of our online forms are difficult to navigate using just a keyboard you cannot skip to the main content when using a screen reader there’s a limit to how far you can magnify the map on our ‘Contact Us page. ​ Feedback and contact information If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording, or braille:​ email We’ll consider your request and get back to you in 7 working days. ​ Reporting accessibility problems with this website We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, contact: ​ ​ Enforcement procedure The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re unhappy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS). ​ ​ Technical information about this website’s accessibility ​ Aged Care Ambassadors is committed to making its website accessible, by the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. ​ Compliance status ​ This website complies with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard. This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard. ​ Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations Some images do not have a text alternative, so people using a screen reader cannot access the information. This fails WCAG 2.1 success criterion 1.1.1 (non-text content). We plan to add text alternatives for all images by July 2024. When we publish new content we’ll make sure our use of images meets accessibility standards. ​ ​ Navigation and accessing information There’s no way to skip the repeated content in the page header (for example, a ‘skip to main content’ option). It’s not always possible to change the device orientation from horizontal to vertical without making it more difficult to view the content. Users can’t change text size without some of the content overlapping. ​ Disproportionate burden This statement was prepared on [31/06/24]. It was last reviewed on [29/07/24]. This website was last tested on [07/08/24]. The test was carried out by []. We used this approach to decide on a sample of pages to test

  • Privacy | Aged Care Ambassador

    プライバシーポリシー Privacy This privacy notice provides you with details of how we collect and process your personal data through your use of our site including any information you may provide through our site when you purchase a product or service, sign up for our newsletter or take part in a prize draw or competition. By providing us with your data, you warrant to us that you are over 13 years of age. Aged Care Ambassadors is the data controller and we are responsible for your personal data (referred to as “we”, “us” or “our” in this privacy notice). Contact Details Our full details are: Full name of legal entity: Aged Care Ambassadors Email address: If you are not happy with any aspect of how we collect and use your data, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues ( ). We would be grateful if you would contact us first if you have a complaint so that we can try to resolve it for you. It is very important that the information we hold about you is accurate and up to date. Please let us know if at any time your personal information changes by emailing us at 2. What data do we collect about you? Personal data means any information capable of identifying an individual. It does not include anonymised data. We may process certain types of personal data about you as follows: Identity Data may include your first name, last name, username, title, date of birth, and gender. Contact Data may include your billing address, delivery address, email address, and telephone numbers. Financial Data may include your bank account and payment card details. Transaction Data may include details about payments between us and other details of purchases made by you. Technical Data may include your login data, internet protocol addresses, browser type, and version, browser plug-in types and versions, time zone setting and location, operating system and platform, and other technology on the devices you use to access this site. Profile Data may include your interests, preferences, feedback, and survey responses. Marketing and Communications Data may include your preferences in receiving marketing communications from us and our third parties' communication preferences. We may also process Aggregated Data from your personal data but this data does not reveal your identity and as such in itself is not personal data. An example of this is when we review your Usage Data to work out the percentage of website users using a specific feature of our site. If we link the Aggregated Data with your personal data so that you can be identified from it, then it is treated as personal data. Sensitive Data We do not collect any Sensitive Data about you. Sensitive data refers to data that includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health, and genetic and biometric data. We do not collect any information about criminal convictions and offenses. Where we are required to collect personal data by law, or under the terms of the contract between us and you do not provide us with that data when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract (for example, to deliver goods or services to you). If you don’t provide us with the requested data, we may have to cancel a product or service you have ordered but if we do, we will notify you at the time. 3. How we collect your personal data We collect data about you through a variety of different methods including: Direct interactions: You may provide data by filling in forms on our site (or otherwise) or by communicating with us by post, phone, email, or otherwise, including when you: order our products or services; to start up a business relationship and business development inquiry subscribe to our service or publications; request resources or marketing be sent to you; enter a competition, prize draw, promotion or survey; or give us feedback. Automated technologies or interactions: As you use our site, we may automatically collect Technical Data about your equipment, browsing actions, and usage patterns. We collect this data by using cookies, server logs, and similar technologies. We may also receive Technical Data about you if you visit other websites that use our cookies. Please see our cookie policy at for further details. Third parties or publicly available sources: We may receive personal data about you from various third parties and public sources as set out below analytics providers such as Google based outside the EU; search information providers [such as [Linked In, Google] based [inside OR outside] the EU]. Identity and Contact Data from data brokers or aggregators [such as Electricalmarketing based [inside OR outside] the EU]. Identity and Contact Data from publicly available sources such as Companies House and the Electoral Register based inside the EU. ​ 4. How we use your personal data We will only use your personal data when legally permitted. The most common uses of your personal data are: Where we need to perform the contract between us. Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests. Where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation. Generally, we do not rely on consent as a legal ground for processing your personal data, other than in relation to sending marketing communications to you via email or text message. You have the right to withdraw consent to marketing at any time by emailing us at Purposes for processing your personal data Set out below is a description of the ways we intend to use your personal data and the legal grounds on which we will process such data. We have also explained what our legitimate interests are where relevant. We may process your personal data for more than one lawful ground, depending on the specific purpose for which we are using your data. Please email us at if you need details about the specific legal ground we are relying on to process your personal data where more than one ground has been set out in the table below. Purpose/ActivityType of dataLawful basis for processing To process and deliver your order including a. Identity b. ContactPerformance of a contract with you To process and deliver your order including: a. Manage payments, fees, and charges b. Collect and recover money owed to the USA. Identity b. Contact c. Financial d. Transaction e. Marketing and Communications. Performance of a contract with you b. Necessary for our legitimate interests to recover debts owed to us To manage our relationship with you which will include: (a) Notifying you about changes to our terms or privacy policy. Identity b. Contact c. Profile d. Marketing and Communications. Performance of a contract with you b. Necessary to comply with a legal obligation c. Necessary for our legitimate interests to keep our records updated and to study how customers use our products/services To enable you to partake in a prize draw, or competition or complete a survey. Identity b. Contact c. Profile d. Usage e. Marketing and Communications. Necessary for our legitimate interests to study how customers use our products/services, develop them, and grow our business To administer and protect our business and our site (including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, system maintenance, support, reporting, and hosting of data)a. Identity b. Contact c. Technical. Necessary for our legitimate interests in running our business, provision of administration and IT services, and network security, to prevent fraud and in the context of a business reorganisation or group restructuring exercise b. Necessary to comply with a legal obligation To deliver relevant content and advertisements to you and measure and understand the effectiveness of our advertising. Identity b. Contact c. Profile d. Usage e. Marketing and Communications f. TechnicalNecessary for our legitimate interests to study how customers use our products/services, to develop them, to grow our business, and to inform our marketing strategy To use data analytics to improve our website, products/services, marketing, customer relationships, and experiences. Identity b. UsageNecessary for our legitimate interests to define types of customers for our products and services, to keep our site updated and relevant, to develop our business, and to inform our marketing strategy Marketing communications You will receive marketing communications from us if you have: requested information from us purchased goods or services from us; or if you provided us with your details and ticked the box at the point of entry of your details for us to send you marketing communications; and in each case, you have not opted out of receiving that marketing. We will get your express opt-in consent before we share your personal data with any third party for marketing purposes. You can ask us or third parties to stop sending you marketing messages at any time by following the opt-out links on any marketing message sent to you OR by emailing us at at any time Where you opt out of receiving our marketing communications, this will not apply to personal data provided to us as a result of a product/service purchase, warranty registration, product/service experience, or other transactions. Change of purpose We will only use your data for the purposes for which we collected it unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If you wish to find out more about how the processing for the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose, please email us at If we need to use your data for a purpose unrelated to the purpose for which we collected the data, we will notify you and we will explain the legal ground of processing. We may process your data without your knowledge or consent where this is required or permitted by law. ​ 5. Disclosures of your data We may have to share your data with the parties set out below for the purposes set out in the table in paragraph 4 above: Other companies in our group provide IT and system administration services and undertake leadership reporting. Service providers who provide IT and system administration services. Professional advisers including lawyers, bankers, auditors, and insurers provide consultancy, banking, legal, insurance, and accounting services. HM Revenue & Customs, regulators, and other authorities based in the United Kingdom and other relevant jurisdictions require reporting of processing activities in certain circumstances. Talent, Celebrity, and Marketing agencies Third parties to whom we sell, transfer or merge parts of our business or our assets. We require all third parties to whom we transfer your data to respect the security of your data and to treat it by the law. We only allow such third parties to process your data for specified purposes and by our instructions. ​ 6. International transfers We share your data within our group of companies which involves transferring your data outside the European Economic Area (EEA).] Countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) do not always offer the same levels of protection to your data, so European law has prohibited transfers of personal data outside of the EEA unless the transfer meets certain criteria. Many of our third-party service providers are based outside the European Economic Area (EEA) so their processing of your data will involve a transfer of data outside the EEA. Whenever we transfer your data out of the EEA, we do our best to ensure a similar degree of security of data by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is implemented: We will only transfer your data to countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the European Commission; or Where we use certain service providers, we may use specific contracts or codes of conduct or certification mechanisms approved by the European Commission which give personal data the same protection it has in Europe; or Where we use providers based in the United States, we may transfer data to them if they are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield which requires them to provide similar protection to personal data shared between Europe and the US. If none of the above safeguards is available, we may request your explicit consent to the specific transfer. You will have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. Please email us at if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your data out of the EEA. ​ 7. Data security We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your data from being accidentally lost, used, or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered, or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your data to those employees, agents, contractors, and other third parties who have a business need to know such data. They will only process your data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality. We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so. ​ 8. Data retention We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data, and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. By law, we have to keep basic information about our customers (including Contact, Identity, Financial, and Transaction Data) for six years after they cease being customers for tax purposes. In some circumstances you can ask us to delete your data: see below for further information. In some circumstances, we may anonymise your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you. ​ 9. Your legal rights Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data. These include the right to: Request access to your personal data. Request correction of your personal data. Request the erasure of your personal data. Object to processing of your personal data. Request restriction of processing your personal data. Request transfer of your personal data. Right, to withdraw consent. You can see more about these rights at: If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above, please email us at ​ You will not have to pay a fee to access your data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive, or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances. We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your data (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact you to ask you for further information about your request to speed up our response. We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. Occasionally it may take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made several requests. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated. ​ 10. Third-Party Links This website may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins, and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy statements. When you leave our website, we encourage you to read the privacy notice of every website you visit. ​ 11. Cookies You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies or to alert you when websites set or access cookies. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of this website may become inaccessible or not function properly. For more information about the cookies we use, please see

  • Contact | Aged Care Ambassadors

    紹介する 高齢者ケアサポートの有意義な旅を始めるには、今すぐ高齢者ケア アンバサダーにお電話ください。 ファーストネーム* 苗字* メール* 電話 組織名* 役職 クライアント名* クライアントの電話番号* メンバー郵便番号 クライアントアドレス サポートタイプ 選択してください 追加情報 必要なサポートに関する追加情報を提供してください。 適用する Rather talk to someone? 0435 615 132までお電話ください

  • Terms and Conditions | Aged Care Ambassador

    利用規約 Welcome to Aged Care Ambassadors. These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of our website, located at [Website URL]. By accessing this website, we assume you accept these terms and conditions in full. Do not continue to use the Aged Care Ambassadors' website if you do not accept all of the terms and conditions stated on this page. 1. Introduction Aged Care Ambassadors (referred to as "we", "us", or "our") provide information, resources, and services related to aged care. The following terms and conditions govern your use of our website. 2. Intellectual Property Rights Unless otherwise stated, Aged Care Ambassadors and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on this website. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may view and/or print pages from for your personal use, subject to restrictions set in these terms and conditions. You must not: Republish material from this website without prior written consent. Sell, rent, or sub-license material from this website. Reproduce, duplicate, or copy material from this website for commercial purposes. Redistribute content from this website unless the content is specifically made for redistribution. 3. User Content In these terms and conditions, "your user content ​ 4. User Content 4.1 Submission of Content: You may submit content, including but not limited to text, images, and other materials (collectively, "User Content"), to the website. By submitting User Content, you grant Aged Care Ambassadors a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such User Content throughout the world in any media. ​ 4.2 Responsibility for Content: You are solely responsible for the User Content you submit. You represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary rights to submit the User Content and that it does not violate any third-party rights, including intellectual property rights privacy rights, or any applicable laws. 4.3 Prohibited Content: You agree not to submit any User Content that is unlawful, defamatory, libelous, harassing, threatening, abusive, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, harmful, or otherwise objectionable. Aged Care Ambassadors reserves the right, but is not obligated, to remove any User Content that violates these Terms or is otherwise inappropriate. ​ 5. Intellectual Property All content on this website, including text, graphics, logos, images, and software, is the property of Aged Care Ambassadors or its content suppliers and is protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. You may not use, reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from any content without our express written permission. 6. Disclaimer of Warranties This website is provided "as is" and "as available" without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Aged Care Ambassadors does not warrant that the website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the website is free of viruses or other harmful components. ​ 7. Limitation of Liability To the fullest extent permitted by law, Aged Care Ambassadors shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with your use of the website, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. ​ 8. Indemnification You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Aged Care Ambassadors, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and affiliates from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses, or fees (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from your use of the website or your violation of these Terms. ​ 9. Governing Law These Terms shall be governed by and construed by the laws of Australia, without regard to its conflict of law principles. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be resolved exclusively in the state or federal courts located in Australia. ​ 10. Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms, please contact us at: Aged Care Ambassadors [Unit 3/12 Grebe St, Peregian Beach QLD 4573] Phone: [0412392340 ] By using the Aged Care Ambassadors website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

  • Packages | Aged Care Ambassador

    ケアパッケージ 心の平安 ホームケア パッケージは、自立を維持し、心の平穏を得るための素晴らしい方法です。これらのパッケージは、掃除、ガーデニング、パーソナルケアなどの日常的な手助けに使用できる資金を提供します。また、交通機関や社会福祉サービスなどのコミュニティ サポートも提供します。65 歳以上 (アボリジニまたはトレス海峡諸島民の場合は 50 歳以上) で、日常の作業に少し手助けが必要で、メディケア カードを持っている場合は、ホームケア パッケージを申請できます。 パッケージを表示 申し込みは簡単 介護サポートを受ける資格があるかどうかを確認するには、次の 4 つの簡単な手順に従ってください。 01 マイ・エイジド・ケアに電話する1800 200 422 高齢者ケア評価チーム/サービス (ACAT/ACAS) が実施する総合的な評価については、当社にお電話ください。メディケア カードをご用意ください。誰かに代わって電話する場合は、その人に代わって話す前に、その人と一緒にいて口頭で同意を得る必要があります。 02 総合評価を完了します。 ACAT 査定官があなたの自宅を訪問し、あなたの現在の状況を理解するためにさまざまな質問をします。これらの質問に備えておくことは素晴らしいことです。あなたが苦労していることや困難だと感じていることをすべて書き出してください。「最高の顔」を作ろうとせず、あなたが必要としていることを正直に話してください。そうすれば、あなたにふさわしい支援を受けることができます。さらに、家族などから非公式のサポートを受けている場合は、彼らが助けてくれなければできないことを書き出してください。 03 You'll receive a letter from My Aged Care with the results of your Assessment. 総合的な評価の後、パッケージの資金レベルが決定されます。パッケージは、国家の優先順位システムに基づいて割り当てられます。資金レベルは、郵便で通知されます。資金が支給されるまでに 3 ~ 6 か月かかる場合があることにご注意ください。 また、Residential Respite または高齢者ケアホームの承認を受けている場合もあります。これらのサービスを利用する必要はありませんが、必要な場合には利用できます。すぐにケアが必要な場合は、待機期間中に利用できるその他の政府補助金について My Aged Care にお問い合わせください。 04 割り当てを待ちます! ホームケア パッケージが承認された場合、最後のステップは資金が割り当てられるのを待つことです。特にレベル 3 または 4 のパッケージが承認された場合、この待ち時間はかなり長くなる可能性があります。割り当てられると、My Aged care からその旨を通知する手紙が届きます。この手紙には、選択したプロバイダーがサービスを開始するために必要となる固有の紹介コードが記載されています。 ケアパッケージレベル レベル 1 パッケージ 基本的なレベルのケアが必要です。 約 10,589ドル Level 2 Package 低レベルの介護ニーズ 約 18,622ドル Level 3 Package 大変助かりました。 約 40,530ドル レベル4 パッケージ 献身的なケア。 約 61,440ドル 接続する準備はできましたか? 高齢者ケアサポートの有意義な旅を始めるには、今すぐ高齢者ケア アンバサダーにお電話ください。 始める

  • Services | Aged Care Ambassador

    当社のサービス Our local and friendly team can provide you with the following supports 私たちのアプローチは思いやりに基づいており、すべてのやり取りで各個人の独自のニーズを尊重するようにしています。私たちは、すべての人が独自の好みや要件を持っていることを認識しており、それに応じてサービスをカスタマイズして、支援的で育成的な環境を作り出しています。総合的なケアを重視することで、身体的、感情的、社会的サポートによってクライアントの生活の質を高め、尊厳と自立した生活を支援することを目指しています。 下記のサービスをタップして、詳細をご確認ください。 ランドリー 掃除と家事 管理 コミュニティへの参加 仲間 園芸 アクティブに過ごす 食事の準備と食料品 投薬管理 パーソナルアシスタンス レスパイトケア ソーシャルサポートと外出 接続する準備はできましたか? 高齢者ケアサポートの有意義な旅を始めるには、今すぐ高齢者ケア アンバサダーにお電話ください。 始める

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