Care Packages
Peace Of Mind
Home Care Packages are a wonderful way to maintain independence and enjoy peace of mind. These packages provide funds that can be used for everyday help like cleaning, gardening, and personal care. They also offer community support, including transportation and social services. If you’re over 65 (or 50 for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people), need a little help with daily tasks, and have a Medicare card, you can apply for a Home Care Package.
Application is easy
To see if you are eligible for care support follow our 4 simple steps.
Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422
Call us, for a comprehensive Assessment, which is completed by the Aged Care Assessment Team / Service (ACAT / ACAS). Make sure you have your Medicare card handy. If you’re calling on behalf of someone, they will need to be with you to give their verbal consent before you can speak on their behalf.
Complete the Comprehensive Assessment.
An ACAT Assessor will visit you in your home and run through a range of questions to help them understand your current situation. It’s a great idea to be prepared for these questions – write down a list of all the things that you are struggling with and finding difficult. Don’t try and put on your “best face”, talk honestly about your needs so that you can get the help you deserve. Additionally, if you receive informal support, for example, from family members, write down what you wouldn’t be able to do if they weren’t there to help you.
You'll receive a letter from My Aged Care with the results of your Assessment.
After the comprehensive assessment, the level of funding for your package will be determined. Packages are allocated based on a national priority system. You’ll be notified of your funding level via a letter in the mail. Keep in mind that funding can take 3-6 months to come through.
You may also have been approved for Residential Respite, or an Aged Care Home – you don’t need to use these services, but they’re there if you need them. If you need care straight away, ask My Aged Care about other government subsidies you can access while you wait.
Wait for Assignment!
If you are approved for a Home Care Package, the final step is to wait for your funding to be assigned to you. This wait time can be quite long, especially if you’ve been approved for a level 3 or 4 Package. Once assigned, you will receive a letter from My Aged care advising you of this. Within this letter is your unique referral code, which your chosen provider will need to commence services.
Care Package Levels
Level 1
Basic level care needs.
Level 2
Low level care needs
Level 3
A lot of help.
Level 4
Dedicated care.